If you have any questions about this stated Privacy policy, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please contact us at [email protected]

Information types collected

We collect personal information that is connected only with yours device, including only:

Other types of information are not included in the list of priority for us and because of that - not collected by any means.

Using collected information

Usage of gathered information is bounded only with the following cases:

In-app performance is related to such sub-tasks as - errors analysis and performance troubleshooting, analysis of ANRs and fatal errors reports.

All other tasks that can be potentially included into the list, including marketing or growth concern are not collected by any means at the moment of you reading the document.

Your information will not be used in any other potential cases, expect cases stated above.

Sharing collected information

Occasions in which we share any of your information are directly connected with the use cases stated by us.

Our policy towards sharing your information proclaims that that your information is being shared only in cases of actual task performance, and include only the following use-cases: